All good conventional wisdom.
However , I'm in N.East & frost heave is an issue.
Have set & removed a few posts over the years.
Have to consider soil conditions as well as frost concerns.
If the soil holds moisture I gets soft in rain, posts can still lean if there is wind pressure on the fence..
I set the posts "dry" by digging the post hole ( about 3 feet in my area).
With 7' above ground that would mean 10 foot posts.
Add a shovel full of 1" or 1-12' crushed stone to the bottom drop in the post level & ram crushed stone around the post.
It allows water to drain away from the post which helps w/ rot & as mentioned a preservative is a good idea.
No concrete to mix & you will have an easier time if you need to remove & replace posts.
If you need to remove or replace posts , just pull them out .
THe stone just falls back into the hole.
If posts do shift, lean on them & ram the stone around it again.
Can't do that w/ a gob of concrete at the bottom.
You still have to dig , but not messing w/ concrete is nice.
Best regards