2013-03-12 13:06:53 UTC
Built 2004, noticed bump in the roof, NHBC came out, inspected it and "fixed it". Unfortunatelty their contractors cut through 4 roof trusses without engineers being on site. Of Course they have all failed.
Also, In addition to this - when we have high winds the loft room (thats how it was built) completely shakes (I believe its the roof) and I can see a visible tremmor of things on my desk - each time there is a gust of wind.
The questions I urgently need to know:
1. How do they test to see why the loft room is shaking under windy conditions
2. Is there a set procedure for testing the structural integrity of a room ?
Oh forgot to mention, the roof has not been strapped to one of the walls.
I have been told that if the roof is moving, its likely to be that the anchors of the roof have not been tied into the wall below the roof but not sure if this is true.