I have a Master Bedroom upstairs and a guest bedroom right below it. They are separated by a 16 inch truss system, but there is no insulation between them and all sounds from above get transmitted directly to the guest room below. I know I will have to cut hole(s) in the guest room ceiling to put in some kind of sound insulation. My thought was to use the cellulose material that can be blown in, but the guy at Lowes said that would not do much for sound insulation. I asked about if I doubled the amount I put in and he said that would help but then I ran the risk of the weight of the insulation collapsing the 1/2 inch drywall in the ceiling. I also contacted an Icynene (foam) dealer but was told it would be cost prohibitive to use that because of the setup expense for such a small area. The room is about 14' x 14'. Short of taking down the entire ceiling does anyone have any suggestions and what are your thoughts about the comments of the man at Lowes? Thank you very much.