2010-08-22 11:56:33 UTC
When I put it on in May of 2009, there was not a drop of freon in it as I was told by the contractor. He put freon in it and it worked perfectly and cooled nicely until the end of June 2010. All of a sudden the air coming out of the vents wasn't as cool as it was before and the air conditioner was running constantly as the air coming out of the vents was close to 70 degrees. The contractor sent his repair man who told me nothing was wrong but my filter needed to be changed. We changed the filter and a few days later the air conditioner was blowing out a warmer temperature from the vents.
I called the contractor again and he sent his son to check out the unit and the son said the compressor had to be replaced; remember this air conditioner is not yet 2 years old. A new compressor was put in and even with the new compressor, the air coming out of the vents is about 68 degrees and this air conditioner doesn't get the rooms as cool as it did in 2008 and 2009.
I truly mind the heat and the thermostat is on the second floor and my office is on the third floor and I like to keep the temperature about 65 so the 3rd floor would be cooler. I just had another visit from the contractor's man and he said nothing is wrong and 65 degrees is what the air is supposed to be coming from the air conditioner but it was only 72 degrees when I put the air conditioner on and yet the air coming out is only 65 degrees. I went outside and the pipe coming from the 2 year old air conditioner doesn't even feel cool but feels the same as when the air conditioner is off. The pipe doesn't sweat at all. I happen to have dual air conditioners in my home and the one that takes care of the first floor has an air temperature of 53 degrees coming out of the vent on the first floor; yet the repairman knowing the situation with the pipe outside feeling warm and not sweating on the now 2 year old air conditioner with the new compressor doesn't cool the second and third floor of my condo. Is there a reason why the repairman would not put more freon in my air conditioner? The air was warm before the compressor went so why are they taking a chance with the warm air as I am afraid the compressor is going to go again.
Has the price of freon taken on the price of gold? Can anyone help me understand what is happening and tell me why the contractor is not putting freon in the air conditioner that he just put a new compressor in. The way the air conditioner is working now is just not sufficient for me and it never worked like this in 2008 and 2009. I tested my other air conditioner and a few of my neighbors air conditioners and no one has a pipe outside that isn't cool and sweating. Thank you for any advise you can give me.