Some Honeywell Manuals Will Give You The Wiring Schematic To The Trane.
There Are Programming Steps That You Must Enter In Order For The Trane To Work.
In Most Cases The Tan Wire is Not Used. If You Call Honeywell You May Get Someone In India.
In Some Cases That Honeywell Thermostat Is Not Designed For Your Trane Unit.
Trane Has Thermostats That Are Designed For Trane Units...
Here Is The Wiring Reference Used By All Manufactures
Possible Wires What They Control
R or V or VR RH and RC Single power for HEAT and COOL
RH or 4 RH Power for HEAT (RH not connected to RC jumper clip removed)
RC RC Power for COOL (RH not connected to RC jumper clip removed)
W W Heat control
W2 W2 2nd stage HEAT or heat pump auxiliary heat
W3 W3 3rd stage HEAT or 2nd stage of 2 stage auxiliary heat
Y Y COOL control or 1st stage compression for heat pump
Y2 Y2 2nd stage COOL control or 2nd stage compression for a heat pump
G or F G FAN control
C or X C 24VAC power (to power thermostat) NOTE: TRANE uses B for this connection
H H External Humidifier
DH DH External De-Humidifier
EX EX external fresh air baffle
B B Heat pump changeover (cool to heat, powered in heat)
O O Heat pump changeover (heat to cool, powered in cool)
E Emergency heat
L System monitor
T Outdoor sensor