How should I fill potholes in a gravel driveway?
2005-12-28 23:21:21 UTC
I live in a rental house in Washington state. Our road and drive is gravel (well, some gravel) and it frequently gets potholes. Mr. Landlord won't grade it very often, and I'm wondering if I could use QuickCrete or some type of patchine material to fill the holes.

It rarely freezes here, but we get snow a couple of times a year. It rains all the time, so it's got to be something pretty waterproof.

Putting loose gravel in the hole works for about ten minutes, and then cars kick it all out.
Two answers:
2005-12-28 23:31:54 UTC
Oh, I got ur point.

Cause: Pot holes are caused due to entry of water or poorly graded materials used.

Remedy: Wait for dry weather. Now dig the area surrounding pot holes in a rectangular shape upto the depth of soil containing excess moisture. Fill it back with suitable layers of soil containing optimum moisture at which maximum degree of compaction can be achieved and well graded gravel duly compacting each layer with suitable means. Seal the top layer with bituminous concrete layer.
2005-12-29 18:51:34 UTC
i think you have a problem ,the only way to get these annoying potholes is gonna cost some money the usual way is complicated it needs a profesional contracter but to make things easy for you and cheaper any hard ware store will sell you building cement get the instruction to how to mix it with building material sands and go get these potholes out of your life .ps do not use the driveway at least for 24 hours dude.

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