There are several possibilities. Did your contract offer to purchase have a contingent upon the well
testing enough GPM for the number of people in your family? Did your hired company do the test or
one that the seller hired? If the latter, it is known to happen that the seller has a truck load of water delivered
just prior to testing. Get the picture.
However, as we all know California has serious water problems.Mainly, the lack of it. The water table can
dry out completely when there is a severe drought. In a case such as this,a load of water would not last
very long as the ground would suck it away as fast as you feed it. This cannot change until the water table
is replenished with sufficient rain.
Have you spoken with your neighbors as to whether they are experiencing the same problem?
Possibly, they would tell you if the former owners were having problems.
Stay on top of this. You may have a legal issue on your hands.