Steven Goldstein
2012-02-02 14:22:47 UTC
Right after we replaced this piece, we found a different pinhole that just happened after having fixed the last one. At this point we took a guess that because his pipes are all rotted out it was just a coincidence. So we put a temporary clamp on this pinhole. Right after having done this we thought that everything was fixed.
A few days later my buddy tells me water is coming out of the Steam Vent of one of his radiators so we replaced it thinking maybe it had went bad.
A while later, water is coming out of it again, actually pouring out. After trying it over and over, the radiator actually broke from the backside leaking water everywhere so we had no choice but to cap the whole radiator out. So my friend has been using the heat up until today with that radiator turned off, no pinholes, but louder than usual banging in the pipes. We turned the safety shut off pressure all the way down.
Today we just had put in a used radiator to replace the one that broke. We turned on the heat and the same problem happened, leaking water out of the steam vent with an additional pinhole where the others were popping out. So now we are at a position of not being sure what to do. I know it's probably impossible to answer the question without actually seeing the working of the pipes but this has stumped me and my father, the HVAC tech. It seems as if once we patch a hole, another reappears and water is flowing up only this ONE radiator. When the radiator is shut off the heat works fine except very loud banging.