Hey all. Okay, we have had a problem with the electricity in our apartment going on for about 1 and a half years. Annoying. Our lights will go dim, cause purple/green bars to go across our tv's, whenever we turn on dishwasher/dryer, lights will flicker, etc. 1 electrician came (called by apartment office) said we need to just live with it, nothing he can do. AEP (electric company) is called, say they are "digging", never fixed the problem. I am to the point where i am agitated, because no one wants to do anything about this problem, and our apartment could catch on fire (im assuming) and no one cares. Anyways, should I just call an experienced electrician now, on my own, instead of having the rental office do it? im so sick of this problem now, and no one is answering questions. thank you. also, any guesses as to what this is, so i can suggest to the electrician?