Strange odor in my room appears for only a second, then disappears?
2016-12-26 01:19:43 UTC
For a while now, there has been a really gross odor that my sister and I can smell.. almost like rotten milk (it's very hard to explain what it smells like). It only happens maybe 2x a month. Once it happens, you only smell it for a second, and then it quickly goes away, so it's almost impossible to find out where it's coming from.

Most times we smell it when we're sitting on the floor (I have a computer on theh floor in the corner of my bedroom) but we can still smell it sometimes when we're standing in the middle.

Again, it comes and goes within nearly a second, which is the weird part. I've vacuumed and mopped every corner of the room, and it's still there.

Has anyone had this happen to them? What could this be?
24 answers:
2016-12-26 03:02:02 UTC
Odors don't usually appear but, are there any pictures or posters that might be reminding you of something unpleasant? Olfactory hallucinations sometimes do occur under benign circumstances. Or there could be perfume or some scents in you room that has grown old and rancid, so check your drawers and vanity, too. Also, there's the possibility that the computer is getting hot, burning a seal momentarily until its fan can blow out the odor.
2016-12-26 02:11:58 UTC
Under every sink there is a "Trap" the holds some water to block sewer gas from coming in to the homer.

Even floor drains have this "U" shaped device to block sewer gas coming through.

It sounds to me that this may be you problem. Changes in weather and wind pressure can cause more or less coming in the house. Normally these fumes go up the "Vent Stack" on the roof to vent these gasses off.

I would suggest that you put you nose to these sinks and drains to see if you tell if the odor is coming from them.

Sinks and drains that are not use the often dry up and allow the gas to pass. One house went to had two bathrooms. The tub in one was never used and the trap dried up. I recommended the home owner run the water once in a while in that tub.
2016-12-28 06:23:07 UTC
It could be one of two possible things. If you have a pet like a dog or cat, they could be under the bed and letting a fart. Farts from pets can be transitory. Also, since you and sister are using the computer on the floor, there will be brief periods of time when your legs are moving apart. Then as your legs move back together, some air is forced out. One of you might have a Yest infection. Try injecting some Monistat 7 before going to bed and see if the transitory odor vanishes.
2016-12-26 20:44:48 UTC
A dead rodent under the floorboards or in the walls. Something alive scurried into the crawl space and he dead. Time to lift up those floorboards to see what you can find....
2016-12-26 01:53:38 UTC
Maybe something is fallen somewhere and rotting, under mattress, rug, closet?
2016-12-26 03:20:08 UTC
dead mouse under dresser or other furniture in bedroom. or maybe a dead mouse inside you computer on the floor. the vents on towers is in the front under the front plate. maybe a mouse climbed in then died.
2016-12-26 17:32:08 UTC
Something rotting.
2016-12-26 05:11:10 UTC
This is X-files stuff. Call the government, quick.
2016-12-27 03:30:31 UTC
dead mouse under dresser or other furniture in bedroom......... or maybe a dead mouse inside you computer on the floor......... the vents on towers is in the front under the front plate......... maybe a mouse climbed in then died.........
2017-01-21 21:15:20 UTC
your sister is farting
2017-01-18 20:25:23 UTC
your sister is farting
2017-01-05 05:54:01 UTC
your sister is farting
2017-01-03 22:47:57 UTC
your sister is farting
2016-12-30 02:29:55 UTC
if it smells good......... its probably just your fart
2016-12-26 01:24:29 UTC
Your sister is farting
2017-01-06 13:28:19 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2017-01-05 07:32:06 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2016-12-27 04:22:28 UTC
if it smells good... its probably just your fart
2017-01-05 03:09:21 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2017-01-02 23:47:12 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2017-01-01 09:47:14 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2016-12-31 13:13:22 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2016-12-27 20:04:25 UTC
if it smells good........................... its probably just your fart
2016-12-27 23:50:39 UTC
if it smells good................................................................................. its probably just your fart

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.