Stephen Shellard
2012-02-18 05:05:33 UTC
Information on the internet has helped me understand a little better how the governor manages engine speed; however I cannot find images which relate to my particular model of Briggs and Stratton engine [5HP, horizontal shaft, L-head Model 130217 Type 3048 01] Here are links to some pictures which I hope illustrate the options for connection of the springs and which may enable somebody with experience to provide me with a little guidance.
The first link shows the vertical linkage in place. if you zoom in on this you may notice that the linkage has a very light gauge spring wrapped around it, which runs the full length of the linking wire. I have no clue as to how this spring should be connected at either top or bottom.
The second link shows how the throttle cable connects to a slider which is tensioned by a spring, also visible.
The third picture shows the reverse of this assembly, with the throttle cable disconnected. To show this the fuel tank and carburettor have been separated from the block of the engine. The end of the tensioning spring is visible.
The fourth picture shows the governor in the context of the engine block, with exhaust, tank and carburettor removed.
The fifth picture is a close up of the governor itself, showing a two holes at the right hand end and also a little flange bent forward which takes one end of the governor spring.
Finally, here is a picture of both of the springs which appear to modulate the interface between throttle cable, governor, and the throttle pivot on the carburettor.
Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.