Two stroke engines run significantly faster than four stroke engines. Although they are not as efficient as a four stoke, their high rpm generates more usable power per cc or cubic inch displacement. Since a two stoke engine does not have an oil reservoir for engine lubrication and cooling, they are lubricated by adding a special two cycle oil to the gas. They are cooled by the fins on the engine which are exposed to air flow. The two cycle oil is formulated to provide the proper lubrication without fouling out the spark plugs when the designed gas to oil ratio is used in the fuel. Regular oil as used in four stroke engines and neither single or multi-grade oil, detergent or non-detergent, was not made to be used in a two cycle engine. Although regular oil will make a lot of blue smoke it will not lubricate a two cycle engine properly.
Using the proper gas to oil ratio is very important if the engine is to run correctly. You have noted the instructional sticker says to use 32:1. So use 32:1. A gallon of gas is 128 ounces. A 32 to 1 ratio, for one gallon of gas, would therefore be 128 divided by 32 or 4 ounces of oil per gallon. If you used 3.2 ounces of oil per gallon you would have a ratio of 40:1. 128 divided by 3.2 equals 40 to 1. As you can see just a small amount of oil will significantly change the ratio. By increasing the ratio to 50 to 1 the engine would not receive an adequate amount of oil and lubrication would suffer, engine will run hotter, and engine life will be shorter. By decreasing the ratio to say 24 to 1 more oil would be available than needed and you will have issues with rough running and dirty plugs.
Although you may not want to waste the gas in the blower, for the sake of the blower, all the gas should be removed from the gas tank and taken to a auto service station for disposal. With every one, including your uncle, adding a gas/oil mix to the tank, you can not even guess at what the ratio may be. Start over, place the correct amount of oil in a container and add the correct amount of gas to mix it up. Then add the correct mix to the tank. The engine will then run fine.
The 3.2 ounce oil bottle may very well be marked with ounce levels on the outside of the bottle, if so use 2 oz. per 1/2 gallon of gas. 1/2 gallon equals 64 oz. divided by 2oz of oil equals a 32:1 ratio.
If the 3.2 oz bottle of oil has not been opened put the oil in a container and add 0.8 gallons of gas for a 32:1 ratio. 32 times 3.2 equals 102.4 ounces of gas. 102.4 divided by 128 oz. per gallon equals 0.8 gallons. (As I've said a few times put the oil in a container before adding the gas. This will assist in mixing the oil and the gas.)
Do not just add oil until the engine sounds good. The engine sounds very good and strong, for a short while, if the gas does not have enough oil in it.
To really be nice to the blower and do away with any previous over oiled gas issues change the plug although it may be a bit difficult and maybe not needed. I'd just drain the tank, add a fresh proper ratio gas mix and give it a try. The engine will run fast, it's a two cycle.