Attic space venting question?
2006-07-09 13:34:45 UTC
I got a very very small attic space. I got practically a flat roof, a 1 and 12 pitch with venting placed in the soffits. The square access register to the attic is in the back part of the house that is closed off during Florida summer months because its to costly to cool that part of the house. Anyway, a box fan will fit in that register perfectly and I'm wondering which way I should vent. Should I pull air out of the attic into the back part of the house OR push air from the back part of the house up into the attic and out through the soffits? Will keeping that attic space give me that much savings on my cooling bill? thankyou
Eight answers:
2006-07-09 13:39:54 UTC
Install gable vent fans up in the attic... they'll draw the hot air trapped in there and blow it out. They have a thermostat so you can set the desired turn-on temperature.

Doing it will help reduce your overall cooling requirements due to loss combating the heat coming from above.
2006-07-09 13:50:19 UTC
Listen to J.D. He knows of what he speaks and I do too. My suggestion is, under no circumstances do you want to pump hot attic air into the house. If you can't, won't or don't put in the right system you are probably just as well off to do nothing. The gable vent fans will take the hottest air from the peak of the attic and exhaust it. In the process it draws air through the soffit (Sp?) vents. This lowers the temperature in the attic and helps a great deal with cooling costs.
2006-07-09 13:42:58 UTC
You really need to install an attic fan that is dedicated for the purpose. This will involve putting a couple of holes in your roof to install them; but will guarantee that the excess heat is removed. The box fan is less of a sure thing as there will still be significant heat build up. The box fan is not designed for use as an attic fan and may overheat and catch fire, (not good for insurance purposes). Attic fans are a bit more expensive and require more work to install; but are much more effective. Hope this helps.
2006-07-09 14:25:52 UTC
pulling the air out of the attic (blow into the room) is a better way to get the hot, humid attic air out. pushing air into the attic could give you mixed results since you don't know which air will escape the soffits - the air you're pushing in or the air that's already there. if you push, the hot air would probably stay high up in the attic (since hot air rises) so the cooler air would end up getting pushed out the soffits.
home improvement at its best
2006-07-09 14:09:04 UTC
Now that thats over; put the fan up and blow into the room, you want to draw the cooler air from the soffit accross the roof and vent it. In your case, the fan is so close to the roof line its the same as gable or roof vents, whitch are a more permanant but expensive fix.
2006-07-10 03:32:29 UTC
you need to pull the air out,does the other end of the attic have a vent? if not put one in,it needs to pull air Thur the attic & out the other end,this will keep your attic from sweating, which causes rotting wood & very expenceive repairs
2006-07-09 14:26:15 UTC
You should replace the insulation in your attic with feathers from your girlfriend. They will have a lower coefficient of heat exchange and resolve your problem.
2006-07-09 15:28:11 UTC

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