1. That will bring on the AUX heat all the time. So the jump wire is not needed.
2. The thermostat has whats called a installer menu. That is how program the stat for the type of system you have. If its not set correctly pray when you get the bill. It should be set up 2stage Heat/ 1 stage Cool
Lastly, I had one of those stats. I hated it. I was on the phone with Honeywell stating that its not reaching set points correctly and is constatly bringing on aux heat. There answer its working as pre-design. My **** just like you mine more than double. I took that POS back and got a white rodgers stat. My bill dropped 150 bucks. Yeah..... That stat is a "universal stat" it will work, however, it not really a designated heat pump stat.
Here the whole manual included the hidden menu that the HVAC guy would be messing with to setup Under the settings it should be like this: (you can check this very easy and change if needed)
Also on the AUX heat setting if you lower the CPH to say 2 the aux heat wont come on as much.
System Function / Settings-options
12- User preference for auto change over 0 is manual 1 is automatic (dont change it to 2 )
14- leave at default setting
16- you choose 0 5/2 (programmable weekdays and weekends) 1 5/1/1 (weekdays, Sat & Sun prog)
27 leave this alone
28 leave this alone
heres the link for the tstat http://www.pexuniverse.com/docs/pdf/honeywell-wireless-focuspro-th6220d-installation-guide.pdf